Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is it time already?!

Ok cats, sorry for the radio silence. It's hard to find a spare moment, what with the long tech days and what not. Every hour not spent in the theatre is spent eating, searching for a place to eat, paying for what I ate, or going to Target. So I thought I would take this rare moment sleeplessness to blog a few words. We ran the show full out tonight, costumes et al. It went astonishingly well, especially considering all the really elaborate tech involved in this show.

Literally, at two points in this show, when I am running off stage and down a ramp in stilts, the crew is hoisting eight kennels with the live dalmatians onto the stage, while on the opposite side, set pieces are being hauled and hung in the flys. It is a detailed dance, and everyone is on top of their game. It's really extraordinary. This is the case with 99 percent of the shows I do. I always hit a point in tech or dress where I think, "There's no way this is gonna pull together. I can't imagine a day where this will be easy." And then, all of a sudden, through the magic of theatre, there it is. A completed piece.

We also got to see the dogs do their tricks today.... of course, we had to watch on the monitors backstage. But still, it was fantastic. We were all hovering around a little screen on stage right, making googoo noises while dogs ran around onstage. Now we face the next audience. Here's the point where we hope and pray that they laugh at everything we have been laughing at for the past two months. We have an invited crowd tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Ok, it's 1:30 in the morning here and I have a photo shoot tomorrow. Can't have bags under the eyes when a souvenir book is involved. Signing off for the mo. Next time I blog, we will be officially open and running!!!

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