Friday, August 28, 2009

Just an average day at work...

...ya know, stilts and what not. Just an average day. Because of sched stuff, I haven't been on stilts in two days! Feels weird after a solid week and a half in them. But I got to sit and watch all the rest of my posse play on 'em. Peeps are looking goooood. It's gonna be a really cool effect. The cast already looks comfortable on them. Oh, for those who don't know, the humans are on stilts in this show. The story is told from the dogs perspective... so humans who play dogs are firmly on the ground. Humans who play humans are a foot up in the air... confused? Good. I like to be a little enigmatic. Just to keep ya guessing.

We're approaching the end of week two here in NY. One more day before a day off, which I apparently need, as I can't find the energy when I come home at night to do any work around the house. My laundry has been sitting in a dryer for three days. And I'm leaving a trail of clothing carnage behind me... there's a pair of socks and PJ pants sitting next to the bed in such a position that they look like I fell out of them. I refuse to move them because, A, that would take energy, and, B, it makes me laugh. So I clearly need to be getting more sleep.

The best thing about being on stilts? It's such a unique workout. If you ever want to tone up your legs, this is the way to go. It could very well be the latest trend in exercise, replacing the pole dancing class at Gold's. Toooo many people you never wanted to see mime strip... And our gluts (that's the scientific term for boottaaayyy) are gonna be so rock solid, you could serve biscuits off them... speaking of biscuits... it's time for dinner.

Time to make breakfast for dinner... I have an unending craving for eggs and my friend Adam's fig preserves....and a little quality time with Family Guy. These are all things that can keep me from tending to my three day old clean laundry. Ahhhh, what a plan.

Over and out for now.

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