Monday, August 31, 2009

Steady as she goes...

Nothin' overly major to report today. We did some scene work, which was fun to get into. Let me say this... and I'm not just saying this cuz I'm spending the next X amount of the year with them... we have a kick ass cast. For serious. I was just looking around and thinking how perfectly suited everyone is to their role.

But enough of all this sacchrine... sweet and gooey has never been my strong suit. We did some music amending and a wee bit 'o stilt time, which gets more and more comfortable. The most major news of the day was that I had a cookie from Pax that had a distinct aftertaste of parmesan cheese. Wretched.

Ok, time to watch the cheese taste out of my mouth and watch "Devil Wears Prada" for the umpteenth time. Talk at ya lata.
E money.

1 comment:

  1. Wash... wash the taste out of my mouth. Lord, it's late.
