Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ahhh, the difference a day can make.

Or two. We had TWO days off. I, however, did more labor than resting. And so did a handful of cast mates. That sounds so... "pirate." I wonder if pirate will be the next trend in television, like vampire being so trendy now. Really, if I see one more ad for a vampire based series, I'm gonna hurl. I was really confused when AM NY did a whole newspaper insert of all the places vampires like to hang out in the city. It was all an effort to promote True Blood, though I thought it was for real. My favorite part was when they did "man on the street" interviews and gave people's ages... Jane, 126 years old, from Williamsburg likes blah blah blah. For serious. I was sucked in hook, line, and sinker... but I digress, as usual.

We are in our new rehearsal digs, which are FAB! Thank the maker for one whole wall of windows that looks out over Madame Tussaud's museum. Not only is natural light a refreshing break from the buzzing flourescents of Ripley, but the view of the people going into Dave and Buster's is worth the price of admission. We have huge high ceilings, twice the width, and The Addams Family is rehearsing two floors above us. Fingers crossed I run into Bebe Neuwirth.

We're moving onto Act two and chugging right along. We also had stilt camp again this morning, which is so needed, as I wanted to brush up on basics. You start to get comfortable and you forget about some basic safety bits and pieces. I tell you what, my abs feeeeeelll ittt!

Alright, I'm pooped, as I labored on Labor Day. Time to have leftovers and kick it old school, by watching "Parenthood." Ahhh Diane Weist, is there nothing you can't do?

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