Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day three...

...of our two week tech process. It's wild to come into work, get to the theatre and see 15 Dalmatians running around on the set, doing tricks and pushing lawnmowers and turning levers and what not. It's amazing. I love my job. The only thing is, I'm a HUGE animal lover. I want nothing more than to run up onto the set and play with them. But these dogs are all business. Like I said on Facebook, I'm worried that they have a better resume than I do. They're all about the biz and when it's time to work, they woooorrrkkkk. Not to worry though, once they have some "Down time," I'll be all over that. Though, there are certain sounds and stuff that you can't make because they are cues for their tricks. So knowing me, I'll go up to them, make some rogue noise, and the dog will suddenly grab a lawnmower and go at it.

The set looks wild as well - everything is super bright and slightly warped...there's a set piece I call "The slanty shanty," cause it's twisted and warped. It feels a bit Tim Burton-y to me. Bear in mind, this is a story told from the dog's perspective, so everthing looks like it would from their eyes. And since we're on stilts, things are built according to that scale. So there are massive chairs and love seats and tables. And they're eerily comfortable. Ikea should take note, as the average height of this country seems to be getting taller and taller. Did you guys see the world's tallest man on the news, by the way? He reminded me of "Big Fish." I gotsta rent that again. I dug that movie. It definitely didn't hurt that my boyfriend Ewan McGregor was in it.... what? He knows he's my boyfriend.

Ok all, more news lata. I got to hop in the shower and pry myself out of the uber comfy hotel bed. It's one of those "dream" beds. deeeellliiicious. Talk at ya soon.

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