Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Okay, so I missed a day of blogging, but you have to cut me a break... I'm a maid of honor. In a wedding. A wedding of my best friend. And I'm in this midst of trying to put together a bridal shower...all while on stilts. Maybe I should wear stilts to the bridal shower....I cats and kittens... or dogs and puppies... I had a big rehearsal day today. Rachel and I worked on our song, which is on the verge of hilarious wacky antics. Let's just say, this is the kind of show where I can't walk out the stage door without having taken a shower first. I haven't had to do that since CATS.... that was possibly the gayest thing I have ever written. Well, according to my deal friend Chuck, I am one of the gayest men he's ever met. Touche indeed.

So where was I? Oh yeah, rehearsal. Let me just say, in addition to all the wacky antics and the dogs and the fun that is in this show, it is chock full o'touching moments. I cried twice in rehearsal today. Some may blame PMS. I say it's great acting. There are some absolutely charming moments that will tug on your heart strings. And there are some very real genuine circumstances that, even though these are 'dogs' you are watching who are having these experiences, anyone can relate. I can't wait to see where we're at by the end of week three.. time is flying... soon we'll be moving to our new, larger rehearsal hall in midtown. So excited about that. I plan on, however, doing a top five list of things I'll miss about our current rehearsal space... but that's later in the week. Look what you have to look forward to!!!

Also, people are already in costume fittings. The design for this show is going to be wild. I love it when people are coming back and talking about what they're wearing as what dog or human. I've already started planning on what items I want to buy at the end of the run... and by buy, I mean steal, of course... but you didn't read that here.

Sidenote dear readers, you may note that I use the phrase "wacky antics" many, many.... many times. This, I can't help. It's part of my verbology, my lexicon, my styllllleeee, baby. I once told someone if I had to start up a company, I would call it Wackantics, and I would be CEO. The CEO of wackantics. You'd buy what I was selling, right? Damn skippy. So from here on out, I plan on merging the phrase, "Wacky antics" into "wackantics." It's really more time efficient this way. I'm always looking for ways to save a few minutes here and there.

And on that note, I'm off to take a nice long shower and watch some Top Chef... which I don't think I'm all that into any more. But I need a way to bide my time until America's Next Top Model comes back.

Over and out,
CEO of Wackantics.

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