Friday, September 4, 2009

Holla Act One!

End of week three approaches tomorrow and we have a work thru of act one to do tomorrow! Can ya believe it? I know you can't. Neither can I. I can't wait to see where we're at, since we're at the midway point of rehearsals here in NY. That means we have three more weeks before we hit the road. It also means we leave the confines of Ripley Grier and move over to the roomy, bright rehearsal rooms of New 42. Sooo happy for that. We're outgrowing our current surroundings. There's too many bodies for l'il old studio 16L. I don't know why, but it reminds me of the line from Muppets Take Manhattan, when Kermit says, "We need more dogs and chickens and things." Random reference, but we should all be reminded from time to time of the cinematic genius that was Muppets Take Manhattan... and all Muppet movies, for that matter.

So in homage to moving to our new digs, I am making a list of things I will miss and things I won't miss about Ripley Grier.... ahem....

Things I won't miss
*The slower than molasses going uphill in winter elevators. While I enjoy the fun facts and news tidbits the little screen in the elevator shares with me, I will not miss the lag time it takes between the time that you press your floor and the time the elevator doors close. I will also not miss the grated walls that pull out a chunk of your hair when you lean up against them.
*The smell of dance calls....particularly the day of the Taylor Swift back up dancer auditions. Wretched.
*The tanning salon decor

Things I will miss
*Butch's Oasis Cafe... they have amazing cookies that they make fresh every day. The smell is unreal.
*Running into random pals I haven't seen in eons. Why is Ripley Grier as social a hang out as Five Napkin Burger? Dunno. But I've seen people I haven't seen in years in the past three weeks.
*The tanning salon decor

Alright lovers, time to chill. I'll give a little week three wrap up tomorrow. And then sign off for Labor Day, as I plan to... not Labor.

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